Liquid diet to be prescribed to diabetics


Thousands of diabetic patients will be prescribed a "very low calorie diet" after a smaller trial has proved more effective than expected, NHS England said.

As part of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Program (NHS DPP), up to 5,000 patients will receive a liquid diet of just over 800 calories a day for three months.

The strict regimen showed that patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were in remission, while a quarter of recent study participants lost 15 kg or more.

Overall, the PLR ​​program, a lifestyle-oriented program for people at risk of type 2, will double in size to treat approximately 200,000 people a year.

This action is part of the NHS long-term plan, which will focus more on prevention as well as treatment.

The health department in England spends about 10% of its budget on diabetes treatment, and it is hoped that this initiative will not only improve the health of patients, but will also save NHS money that can be reinvested. in primary care.

The DPP, lasting nine months, helps patients achieve a healthy weight, improve their overall nutrition and increase their level of physical activity.

This approach follows the DiRECT study funded by Diabetes UK, in which nearly half of people on a high calorie diet had a remission of their type 2 diabetes after one year.

A quarter of the participants lost 15 kg or more, and 86% of them put their type 2 diabetes in remission.

DROPLET, a newer trial of low-calorie diets, has shown similar weight loss in obese people.

Simon Stevens, Managing Director of NHS England, said: "The NHS will now step up its concrete actions to help hundreds of thousands of people avoid heart attacks, strokes, cancers and type 2 diabetes related to l & # 39; obesity.

"The NHS's long-term plan will give people the power and support they need to take control of their own lifestyle so that they can help themselves while helping the NHS."

"Because what is good for our waistline is also for our wallets, given the huge costs we all bear as taxpayers for these largely preventable diseases.

"However, this is not a battle that the NHS can win alone. The NHS pound will go even further if the food industry is also taking action to reduce calories, adding sugar and salt from processed foods, television dinners and takeaway takeaways. "

Search for sweet drinksStrict diet could put patients with type 2 diabetes in remission (Anthony Devlin / PA)

Type 2 diabetes is closely related to obesity and can lead to a series of serious illnesses, including 13 types of cancer.

Recent projections show that the growing number of people with diabetes could lead to heart attack in nearly 39,000 people by 2035 and more than 50,000 people suffering from a stroke.

Chris Askew, managing director of Diabetes UK, said: "The results of the first year of the Diketes UK DiRECT study have shown that – for some people with type 2 diabetes, an intensive weight loss program and Low calorie intake with continued support through primary care could put their condition in remission.

"While this groundbreaking study continues to explore the sustainability of these benefits, we are delighted that NHS England has been inspired by this work to pilot a Type 2 remission program through the NHS.

"The plans to double the size of the NHS diabetes prevention program are great news.

"This program is already the largest of its kind on a global scale and shows that England is a world leader in this field."

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