Lloyd Russell-Moyle is the first British MP to reveal to Parliament that he is HIV-positive – 30-Nov-2018


A British MP became the first practicing member to reveal his HIV status in the UK Parliament.

Labor MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle told the House of Commons that he had been living with the virus for nearly a decade.

"Next year, I'll mark an anniversary: ​​10 years since I became HIV-positive," said Russell-Moyle.

"It has been a long journey – from fear to acceptance to advocacy today, knowing that my treatment allows me to stay healthy and that it protects everything. partner that I have. "

He made this announcement during an adjournment debate on HIV and World AIDS Day, which will be celebrated on December 1, claiming that he had decided to speak out because He had "a deputy's duty".

The 32-year-old MP for Brighton Kemptown wanted his statement to help combat the stigma of HIV and AIDS and to let people know that the progress made in treatment means that he leads a life totally unaffected by the virus.

"Finally, I wanted to be able to speak here and tell all people living with HIV that their status does not define them," he said.

"We can be who we want and for those who have not been tested, perhaps out of fear, I say that it's better to live in knowing than to die in fear."

He is the second MP to announce that he is infected with the virus. Former Labor MP Chris Smith revealed his status in an interview with a newspaper in 2005.

In his speech, Mr. Russell-Moyle was surrounded by colleagues who had broken the House of Commons convention by applauding him.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labor Party, congratulated Russell-Moyle for his "brilliant and historic speech".


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