London will reverse two consecutive series against Gladiators, head to the semi-finals


In an unexpected victory, the London Spitfire reversed two straight sets against the Los Angeles Gladiators, finishing the quarterfinals 2-1. They are now going to the semi-finals, where they will face Los Angeles Valiant and play for a spot in the Grand Finals at Barclays Center in New York.

Continuing the first round of Wednesday, many predicted the Gladiators to quickly finish the match with a repeat of the 3-0 domination seen a few days earlier. However, in an unexpected turn of events, not only did the Spitfire 3-0 the first series of the day, but they went 3-0 in the second and final set immediately after.

The Spitfire line-up consisted of Profit, Birdring, Geste, Fury . , Nudes and Bdosin, without any substitutions in any of the six cards.

On the other hand, the Gladiators presented a mix of different lists. iRemiix, Surefour, Shaz and BigGoose remained everywhere, with Void playing all but one card, where Bischu came in, and the second DPS slot rocking between silkthread and Hydration.

Crack was again missing for the entire series. In terms of the difference between playing against Fissure or iRemiix, Gesture told Overwatch Wire that it was inconsequential. " It would have been nice to play against Crack, but it's their decision about who they play in. It did not really matter, if it was going to be iRemiix or Crack, it would not matter. was just the Gladiators we were playing. "

London's dominance began on Dorado, where we saw an aggressive and adaptive game of Spitfire. . That was something that was missing from the Wednesday series, where Surefour had carte blanche and the aggression of iRemiix often went unpunished.

This was not the case here, with the Spitfire pushing resources to close Surefour and the Gladiator tank line and out of sync. This continued in Oasis, a map that London has traditionally underperformed, where gladiators seemed disordered and exhausted. London managed to take the card with little gladiator obstruction, as well as the following card on Eichenwalde

who completed the first set of the day, meaning the quarter-finals were at 1-1 and the Spitfire had forced the

Although the Gladiators have already rebounded from such difficult situations, this would not be the case today.

Despite a big success on Junkertown on Wednesday, the Gladiators did not manage to match the Spitfire. lost the map. They then chose the Lijiang Tower as a control card, the loser of each card choosing the next card for the tie-break series.

Unfortunately, despite the choice of map, it was another dominant performance of London, which seemed well and truly on a level that we had not really seen since Stage One.

Although they achieved an incredible and now famous attack from King's Row on Wednesday, the Gladiators seemed completely deflated on the last card of the series. They failed and lost the card, ending their season and allowing London to qualify for the semi-finals.

Spitfire's victory came from a mix of circumstances – Birding played incredibly well after a very shaky season. and the Spitfire as a whole seemed much more coordinated than in many of their regular season games.

The Gladiators, on the other hand, could not have been more different from their recent performances. Surefour really struggled, having been only 19-18 as a Widowmaker in the last series, and BigGoose was systematically spotted early. The team looked completely messy, which was an opposite of their tight performance on Wednesday.

The main London Gesture tank talked about the victory with Overwatch Wire after the match. "With Gladiators, it's not that we really feared them." In the first set [on Wednesday] they had just better strategies and we were a little surprised by that. I think all the strategies we had prepared for them just clicked and worked very well. "

Gesture and his teammates will face the Los Angeles Valiant next week, competing for a place in the Grand Final. " Valiant is definitely one of the strongest teams in the league right now, so there is a bit of pressure," said Gesture. "We have to train a lot, but I think if we play well, we will have a very good game too."

The semifinals will begin on Wednesday, July 18, with the first Philadelphia vs New York series starting at 5 pm PST and the first series of London vs. Los Angeles starting at 7 pm PST.

The selected image for this post was provided by Robert Paul for Blizzard Entertainment

Quotations provided by Susie Kim, Executive Director of London Spitfire.

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