LPM will not attend the conference on earth


Bernadus Swartbooi, leader of the landless people's movement, said that he would not attend the second regional consultation workshops of the national conference because they were not invited to attend the conference. national event.

Swartbooi made these statements at a media event in Windhoek. he also revealed the alleged program of the land conference to be held in October this year.

President Hage Geingob postponed the conference on the earth last year, citing a lack of consultation with all interested parties.

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said this week that the regional consultations will take place from July 19 to 27.

Swartbooi said that the exclusion of the LPM and opposition parties from the national event shows that the government already has a predetermined outcome, and was not serious with consultations .

"Landless People's Movement, Who Was the Prime Minister" They have not even tried to have a discussion with us about what we think should be discussed at the conference. In addition, they tried to co-opt us into regional consultations. Swartbooi added that the government also wants to use the land conference as a political ploy to determine the election results of 2019.

"The land conference is the tool that they want to use for a political gain It will be a political trick We are of the opinion that the land conference is well managed in stages, and that it is already an indaba failure so we will not seek any invitation to participate in the conference ", he said.

Swartbooi added that his movement would propose a "feasible plan" for reappropriating lands targeting absent and underutilized farmers. relocation farms.

This "feasible plan", he said, will be implemented in 2019.

"The LPM is not in the politics of the conversation.The President stated that all parties would be consulted, but now they have deliberately ignored us.

"We will have a conference on alternative lands, and the resolutions to be made will be shared with all interested parties, including the United Nations. Prime Minister Saima Shaanika's spokesman, however, said Swartbooi's statements of not being invited to the earth conference were premature because "no one was

" she added. that the high level committee appointed to lead the preparations for the conference on the earth has not started to invite the participants to the conference.

"No one was excluded from the conference on earth because no invitation was sent During the same demonstration, Swartbooi also condemned Namibia's attempt at secession by some members of the population of the Zambezi region

. We do not agree with secessionism. But we also do not agree with a lawless state, whereby the army and the police can simply arrest people as they wish, "he added.

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