Luminar and Volvo use LiDAR to determine pedestrian activity


In June, Volvo announced its partnership with LiDAR, Luminar. At the Los Angeles Auto Show, they announced that they would use the high-resolution, long-range sensor to determine pedestrian intentions.

The high resolution LiDAR from Luminar is able to locate pedestrian appendages. These data are used to create an articulated (key person) version of the human – essentially their pose. This information can be used to determine what this person is about to do. For example: do they walk or lean into a crosswalk about to cross? Luminar and Volvo want to be able to determine it.

<img alt = "luminar" data-caption = "luminar" data-credit = "Luminar, Volvo" data-credit-link-back = "" data-data-provider = "" data-local-id = "local- 1-5284127-1543339063747 "data-media-id =" 943a9f59-1501-3c5b-a801-c582e290aa0c "data-original-url =" 11 / 3ae1d780-f268 -11e8-9cfe-99df973bd525 "data-title =" luminar "src =" 2F% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-Upload-Images% 2F2018-11% 2F3ae1d780-f268-11e8-9cfe-99df973bd525 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 2a6f212f536ae84feadfefbaf4be0692n1definition

The Luminar LiDAR has a range of 250 meters and receives an incredible amount of detail. Working with an established manufacturer such as Volvo (a company that has built a reputation for safety) is perfect for both companies. The research will also focus on highway driving, but when it comes to creating an autonomous car, the most challenging environment is the city and its inhabitants.

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