Major Changes in No Man's Next Sky Sky: Multiplayer, Xenomorphs, Freighters, and More


Hello Games has launched the new update of No Man's Sky, called Next. The free update brings a massive overhaul of the game by adding multiplayer, character customization, command freighters and visual updates. Next is the fourth major update of No Man's Sky, after Foundation, Pathfinder and Atlas Rises. However, it is perhaps the most important of all, and we continue to find more and more time with him.

No Man's Sky originally launched on PS4 and PC in August 2016, and was severely criticized for a lack of perceived content. Although several updates have since increased the number of activities that players can do, Sony's management admits that the public relations strategy "was not great" and Sean Murray acknowledged that he had made "mistakes". Launch, No Man's Sky updates have slowly earned the game an increasingly important player base. "One day, I hope to reach a point where I think No Man's Sky is" finished ", but thankfully, there are still so many things we want to do," said Murray

. but you can read the full release notes and bugfixes on the No Man's Sky blog. Although it's not in the patch notes, Murray tweeted that Next also allows players to order their avatar in-game to sit down – a feature that players have requested. Maybe some more playful secrets are hidden in the latest update of the game. We now do that a new fix is ​​already on the way to fix the issues that have emerged just like weekly updates for keep things cool. We will keep you informed as we learn more.

Multiplayer and Character Customization

The multiplayer mode is the biggest change in No Man's Sky. Although it has never been confirmed whether multiplayer would be included before launch, many players wanted to explore the galaxy with their friends as they wished. Next adds a lot of the mechanics that these players wanted, as well as a few others.

You can now join strangers at random, or team up with a small contingent of friends to build small shelter settlements, exocraft racing, or engage in space battles against other players. You'll be able to team up with friends right off the bat, as the multiplayer expands to the No Man's Sky story and tutoring missions.

To help differentiate avatars, Next adds character customization so everyone can customize their game. You can change your race and change your outfits too. Depending on the nature of your character, you can even change your hairstyle. Next allows players to be a Gek, Vy & keen, Korvax, Voyageur, or Anomaly.

Not all players you meet are friendly, so when you meet another player exploring the stars, it's best to be careful. Although a stranger can be a harmless passer-by or a future ally, Next allows players to attack others to survive. A collection of ships approaching the horizon could be a team of players acting as space pirates who rely on the stolen booty of others.

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Building and Crafts

You will be able to invite your friends to your own command ship to take on challenging multiplayer missions. If you still have problems, you can build and upgrade a whole fleet of frigates, which you can then customize to specialize in combat, exploration, trade, industry or support.

You can use what you have found building blocks, which can now be built anywhere on any planet. You will even be able to build on the top of the mountains and under the sea. And if you do not like the way the terrain affects the shape of your base, the improved terrain manipulator allows players to carve the surface of the planet according to their needs. The manipulator can also be used to search ancient treasures, which can be sold in the new Space Station market.

There are hundreds of new basic pieces that allow you to build larger and more complex bases. hiding. Then players can have multiple bases and place teleporters anywhere to travel much faster.

The resources used to customize your fleet and bases, as well as your equipment and gear, have been reworked and rebalanced. Most of the resources you remember from the original No Man's Sky have received new names and have received completely different uses. Planetary resources have been expanded, and the biome, weather, and classification of a planet have a much greater effect on the type of materials you will find there.

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To help you excavate the largest quantities of materials you will discover, the deployable technology used for collecting resources can now be easily recovered and transported in your inventory. The improved visor for analysis also makes it easier to locate terrain resources. You can also quickly find your landmarks by exploring, thanks to visible latitude and longitude coordinates and the ability to mark points of interest with a marker.


The opening section of No Man's Sky has been updated with new items, as well as a tutorial that teaches you advanced game features. Mission chains help players explore planets and bases of departure.

Once the tutorial is complete, new types of missions are available. Exploration is still at the heart of No Man's Sky, but new missions in photography, food, attack and defense, archeology and hunting are increasing the amount of activity that players can do. Players will not get all their goals from the same NPC either, as a varied assortment of random NPCs on different stations offers missions.

It basically has the Alien Xenomorph

The update introduces a variety of new enemies to deal with, but perhaps the most terrifying and interesting of the bunch are what it calls biological horrors. As reported by Twitter by Xalavier Nelson Jr., this is essentially the Xenomorph of the Alien franchise. It sounds terrifying – and impressive, as long as you do not mind dying.

There are some dark planets out there

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While the diversity of geography you have encountered has changed There are many colorful and beautiful planets to explore, the update add some that are a little different – but nevertheless striking. In our day with the update, we came across a planet that was largely devoid of color, almost to the point of being monochrome. You can take a look above.

Release Notes

Hello Games has released detailed release notes for Next that describe everything that has changed, including extreme attention to detail. Beyond all the main features above, you can see adjustments to the controls (such as the ability to manually holster the Multi-Tool), revision of space station interiors, bug fixes, and more.

19659218] While something like multiplayer is obviously the big draw of this update, there are smaller but still popular changes and additions that players have come across. Example: One of the best is a tweak to make pulse jumps, which previously would send your ship moving in a straight line. Now you can use it to follow the curve of the planet in which you are in the atmosphere, allowing you more or less to orbit around the planet and to move more easily to another in law.

Galactic Atlas

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Just before the next update, Hello Games has launched a new website called the Galactic Atlas. This is essentially a guide to a specific area of ​​the game – the Euclidean galaxy – that Hello has sown but will leave the players to explore and grow. From the site, you can track the progress of the galaxy, highlight the points of interest and join the centers or factions.

New Visuals

The visuals of No Man's Sky have also been revised. The field generates faster and soil textures, water and clouds have been improved. Ships, NPCs and buildings also have more details. The No Man sky is now fully playable in first and third person, whether you are walking on the surface of a planet or hovering among the stars.

The firing distance has been improved to make the planets appear denser and a new color palette paints the forests, oceans and plains of each world with added dynamism. The dangerous storms that can result from the destruction of small planes use new biome-specific particle effects to appear more dangerous than ever before.

Fauna and Flora

The creatures you discover during your travels will now act with more enthusiasm. if you feed them, leaving you flock together. The AI ​​of the creatures has also been reorganized so that they act smarter, responding to the players that they recognize as friendly and fleeing as a group from a perceived peril. However, not all new animals and plant life are friendly. Be on the lookout for new dangerous species because they will kill you if you are not careful

Date / Time of Release

No Man's Sky is available on PS4, PC and Xbox One. Next is live on all platforms.

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