Meghan Markle news: Meghan has published a quarrel with Kate Middleton, warning from Princess Diana initiated | Royal | New


Reports point to possible "tensions" between the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex, just one year after the announcement of Meghan and Harry's pledge.

Inspector Ken Wharfe, former protection officer of Princess Diana, warned against the idea of ​​creating a "Team A" and a "Team B" of the Royal Family "never really working" .

During his interview with the press club in London, during his interview with other royal experts, Ken explained how the situation of the creation of two teams is similar to that of Princess Diana and her father Charles.

The Inspector said: "I think it is probably imprudent for the two princes to manage separate offices, for I witnessed the division of two offices when the Prince of Wales and the Princess of Wales were working. A and the B team – it never really worked. "

Ken also alluded to the current popularity of Harry and Meghan because of their recent pregnancy-related pregnancy and pregnancy issues that Princess Diana also faced.

He said, "That the two women have scrambled, I do not know. Harry is an interesting character, as is Meghan.

"These are two very popular people and one of the things that royalty does not like is when one becomes more popular than the other.

"It was part of Diana's problem in that – I could never understand it – they could not handle Diana's popularity."

"Maybe we are coming back to the same kind of problem, while the ones that are getting the attention of the press are Meghan and Harry and that may be part of the problem."

This new royal bomb comes amid rumors that emotional tension will develop between Kate and her sister-in-law, just months after the royal wedding.

Following the news, Meghan and Harry move to Frogmore House in Windsor, there is a "tension" between the two duchesses.

Speaking of speculation, one insider said, "They are very different women despite similar circumstances. Meghan is extroverted while Kate is shy enough. "

Evening Standard Royal Correspondent Robert Jobson said: "There is a lot of information currently being provided by the palace, and they are doing their best to calm him down.

"I heard that there were tensions – I personally think that there is some truth."

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