Monster Hunter World Overwhelming Expectations Before PC Launch


  Monster Hunter [19659004Novelongthelastversionoftheseries Monster Hunter would take over the world, but we hardly realized how much it would end up being dominant.

Capcom revealed that the hit Xbox One and The PlayStation 4 release has allowed to clear 8.3 million copies sold since its release earlier this year, leaving the editor very satisfied with its sales results, Capcom's sales increased by 46.5% year-on-year. "In this case, the phenomenal success of Monster Hunter: World (for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) from the previous fiscal year has continued, the title gaining popularity thanks to the expansion of its base In marking a worldwide success, the series consolidated its position as an international brand and strengthened our intellectual property base, "notes the company in a statement

This should be good news for the company. PC version of the game ., which should be broadcast at 60 frames per second in full 4K and should benefit from strong support from the PC player community.

In addition Monster Hunter's overwhelming success, Capcom has also seen very good sales for other releases, including the games Mega Man Legacy Collection for Nintendo Switch and the multi-console collection Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Provided, the company discussed their "solid sales thanks to a loyal fan base and powerful branding capabilities." Without a doubt we will see more retro-style versions of them at the show. Future, as Okami HD [1 9459014] for Nintendo Switch and Mega Man 11 for consoles and PCs. With regard to the year 2019, the company should continue its momentum between its incredible Resident Evil 2 Remake and the highly anticipated Devil May Cry 5 ] whose two are expected for the spring version.

Kudos, Capcom. Keep the good games coming!

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