Municipal employees in Swakopmund want more pay


Municipal employees of SWAKOPMUND organized a protest to demand a salary increase on Tuesday.

"No more peanuts. We want more money, "they shouted, watched by their directors and their advisors from the municipality headquarters.

The workers then submitted a petition to the chairman of the board's management committee, Erriki Shitana.

The petition, read by the representative of Napwu's municipal branch, Uanjenguaije Tjiurutue, referred to the stalemate in wage bargaining since June and blamed the reluctance to negotiate with their employer.

A proposal was submitted last December and the first negotiating meeting took place on 19 March this year. Usually, municipal wage negotiations begin in early February.

An impasse was declared after the employer was reluctant to tackle the "biased and unfair wage structure".

Workers are concerned that the salaries of their directors, CEOs and consultants are almost equal (just under 5%) to those of their counterparts in Walvis Bay, while the margin for most Non-management employees compared to their counterparts in the municipality of the port city was short, up to 30%.

The Swakopmund workers even proposed to find a compromise on an adjustment "within budget limits" or an adjustment every two or three years, but their employer rejected both proposals.

The union, for its part, said that the 4% increase in overall compensation proposed by the employer would not solve the effects of the low wage structure but would worsen the situation.

"The councilors and directors are trying to justify the situation by saying that Walvis Bay's economy is bigger than Swakopmund's because of the fishing industry. Therefore, we can not compare the two. We agree, but the same Swakopmund economy, no matter how small, can bring directors, CEOs and advisors with their benefits. Why is not it able to carry street cleaners and workers in general? Asked the protesters.

The union gave the council seven days to respond to their requests. Shitana said the content of the petition will be reviewed and feedback will be provided to workers at the right time.

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