Namibia: A businesswoman earns 350,000 Namibian dollars


Esther Akwaake, a prominent Windhoek businesswoman, fights to recover $ 350,000 invested in a health business

Akwaake (59), former NamWater president and director of New Vision Consultancy CC, Charlotte Uuyamba trails on February 7, 2018, Akwaake told The Namibian that Uuyamba's friend, Monica Pendukeni, had presented her after complaining of health problems. Point of Life Healthcare sells natural supplements

She then visited the Uuyamba office and purchased supplements worth N $ 20,000.

Akwaake alleges that Uuyamba gave him a gift to invest in Point of Life, promising him some nice returns. "I thought it was a good opportunity and I decided to invest part of my pension," she said.

Pendukeni denied having introduced Akwaake to Uuyamba saying, "I only advised him to buy the supplements."

According to his agreement, Akwaake had to invest $ 1.4 million to acquire a share of 50%.

She put only 350,000 Namibian dollars because she wanted to test the water before she could

Akwaake said that when she asked for the financial statements of the company, she discovered that the company was not viable, and she asked Uuyamba to return her money

When Uuyamba refused, Akwaake opened a flight case. false pretexts in February, claiming that she was blindly led to the case

The police of the city of Windhoek arrested Uuyamba on February 7. Ms. Uuyamba confirmed that she had been arrested but released the next day

Akwaake also approached his lawyers, threatening to

"We are instructed to reimburse you this amount within seven days of the date of receipt," reads a letter from Akwaake's attorneys, AngulaCo, dated December 7.

Uuyamba said that this was followed by a summons by the court, but she did not appear in court.

"We agreed that I would repay the money by September, I do not know why she will support with that," said Uuyamba.

Uuyamba said that she did not force Akwaake to do business with her.

"I had warned her that I needed a trading partner who would invest the total sum of N $ 1.4 million for the successful business she would pay that part of that amount.It continued to say that she will pay the outstan Ding amount soon.I have been waiting months.As a result, I had to close my because there was no money, "said Uuyamba

who admitted to having paid Namibian $ 300,000 to a Dane to whom she owed money and to which she had worked for six years

"In 2016, my boss decided to return to Denmark. I then bought him a Point of Life Center for N $ 1.8 million. I only paid him 1.5 million New Zealand dollars, which cost me dearly and I was looking for a partner to pay the outstanding amount (300 000 Namibian dollars).

It is then that Akwaake approached me saying that she wanted to be a partner. "she said.

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