Namibia: Dippenaar Trial Witnesses Gorge Throat


Two witnesses on both sides of the trial for the car accident involving the accused Jandre Dippenaar are now involved in a separate aggression case.

Last Thursday, state witness Johan Joubert (48) opened a threat of assault at the Swakopmund police station against Defense witness Nico Smit. The allegation concerns an incident that occurred last month during the Dippenaar trial in the Swakopmund Regional Court.

Joubert accuses Smit of having threatened to break his neck after telling Magistrate Gaynor Poulton that Smit was listening during his testimony and cross-examination.

Poulton noted Joubert's complaint, and Smit denied it. Joubert and Smit clashed in court when the alleged assault took place.

Erongo's Criminal Investigations Coordinator, Erastus Iikuyu, said that no arrests had been made, as the investigation into the charges has not yet been completed.

Joubert, a South African expert on road accident reconstruction, concluded in his report to the court last month that Dippenaar was responsible for the December 29, 2014 accident that killed German tourists Alexandra Joschko (19), Markus Joschko (48) and Stephanie Joschko (49), as well as Namibians Dinah Pretorius (30), Charlene Schoombe (24) and JC Horn (27).

Antonia Joschko, then aged 16, and Dippenaar, are the only survivors of the Joschko family. Dippenaar faces six counts of murder and other charges of fraud, reckless or negligent driving and driving without a valid driver's license. He pleaded not guilty.

Dippenaar's defense accused Joubert of being biased and subjective, and questioned his expertise and the formulas used. They stated that his conclusions were incorrect and contrary to the conclusions and conclusions of the defense experts.

Dippenaar's family reportedly appealed to Smit to investigate the accident for insurance purposes and is expected to call the witness stand on behalf of the defense from 8 to 12 July. ; August 12 to 16 or September 16 to 20 of next year – dates scheduled for continuation of trial.

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