Namibia: Join Ondeendal's efforts to reverse land injustices – Geingos


Windhoek – The cancellation of the apartheid inheritance on land distribution, as the imprint of the Ondendaal Plan, will require Namibia to devote same amount of energy and resources to the question

Here are the opinions of the First Lady Monica Geingos, who noted that the Ondendaal Plan, although designed for harmful purposes, had been the subject of extensive research and obtained hidden gains in favor of whites.

Geingos said that to undo its deeply rooted effects of Ondendaal, Namibia must deploy the same dedication to the issue of land, which has become extremely emotional in the country.

In the early 1960s, while apartheid was developing in South Africa In his "homeland" policy, his government commissioned a study on the creation of possible ethnic homelands in what was then the 39, South West Africa.

This controversial decision, in which South Africa ignored the request of the United Nations and continued to implement the racist plan.

South Africa ignored the UN request and continued to implement the racist plan. "The Ondendaal plan has been the subject of much research, despite its intentions," commented Geingos Friday during a dialogue on the land organized by the One Economy Foundation, which she directs

"We can not undo what the Ondendaal Plan has achieved." The land, she said, should be considered more than a simple asset, as it is also a social safety net. crucial.

The second National Land Conference, which was postponed twice due to a perception of insufficient consultation, is expected to take place between October 1st and 5th.

Geingos said that if the land issue were to be satisfactorily resolved, the Namibians must face the issue as a united front and set aside the parish differences.

Among the guests at the dialogue on Friday was Job Amupanda, co-founder of the Affirmative Repositioning Movement (RA), one of the main detractors of the land administration.

"We must put aside the problems of mutual labeling and face this common problem as Namibians Some people in the past have challenged [lawyer] Sisa Namandje representing the AR leaders." We understand and respect the professional duties of each, "she told the audience that included Namandje, who also spoke at the event.

Geingos said that some people were questioning lawyer Thembeka Ngcukaitobi (FEP), at the gala dinner organized by his foundation Saturday evening

"When it comes to issues as important as the land, we must put aside politics and face these common socio-economic enemies, "Geingos, herself says a lawyer and a trained businesswoman,

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