Namibia: Namigreen, the Ministry of Education promotes recycling and job creation


NamiGreen's recent partnership with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture will allow the company to introduce recycling facilities into the government complex and allow people to get rid of their waste freely e.

The recycling company said that after this partnership, it would continue to expand its business through partnerships with other organizations and public institutions, adding that its recycling initiatives could help more families to eat better and better. to keep a roof by creating jobs.

In addition, NamiGreen will implement modern technology and techniques to separate rare earth materials from recycled devices.

"E-waste in Africa is a growing problem that is already having a tragic impact on many communities, Namibia could serve as a model for e-waste recycling and the resulting economic development opportunities," NamiGreen said in a statement. .

NamiGreen has developed partnerships with the private sector, mining operations, government agencies and other organizations across the country. Thanks to its dynamic and effective reach, the company hopes to quickly achieve its goal of establishing a strong and productive e-waste recycling program across the country.

Legend: f.l.t.r. Gwendy Platt (NamiGreen) Ervast Mutota (Director of the Arts) and CM Vries, (Education Manager), was seen next to one of NamiGreen's new electronic waste bins that Windhoek citizens can use to get rid of their electronic waste.

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