Namibia: NFA, UNICEF Strategic Plan to Raise and Empower Namibian Girls


Windhoek – The Namibia Football Association (NFA) and the new five-year strategic plan of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), launched at the Football House in the capital yesterday, is a Policy document that aims to improve, empower and respond to the needs of Namibian girls through football.

The Collaborative Strategic Plan, which extends from 2018-2022, will be implemented by the Galz & Goals program The new strategic plan aims to increase the percentage of girls aged 10 to 20 playing football by a mass participation of 13% to 50% by 2022 in areas where the Galz & Goals program is being implemented.

The program has already reached nearly 22,000 teenagers by giving them the opportunity to play football and give them the means to acquire the skills of Sport2life. Rachel Odede, National Representative of UNICEF, was present at the launch and congratulated the NFA for defending sports for development in Namibia, allowing girls to have fun playing football. "Since 2009, UNICEF has been supporting the NFA through Galz and Goals, in order to use the sport to promote health, prevent disease, encourage positive results in the field of health. education, encourage social inclusion and prevent and respond to violence against girls.We can proudly say that we are pleased with the growth of the program, which now reaches 4,000 girls in 13 regions on an annual basis. One of the positive spin-offs of the Galz & Goals program has been to provide lifelong learning and development opportunities for girls, and we celebrate the positive testimonials of girls who have followed the program on a long-term basis. regular basis, "said Odede.

Odede encouraged the NFA to strengthen ties with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. The program spends its day at the school and because of the opportunity to reinforce the education component to the program's daily lives using the Sport2life program.

Mbitjita Mungunda, 18, a Galz & Goals beneficiary, was eager to share her story. The program shaped her life and that of other girls.

"When I started at the center, I was 12 years old and I was still trying to develop my skills as a footballer and the pressure of being a girl playing football. It was not easy. We are often bullied and we often call names, but with the help of the program, I managed to handle bullies, say no and defend my rights and beliefs. As a girl pronouncing the word "no" & # 39; Simple t as you are obliged to keep appearing to be cool but in the center we were taught that 'not to be cool & # 39; is also correct, said midfielder of the U / 20 national team.

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