Namibia: Retirees hunt Lutheran bishop


The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Republic of Namibia has been accused of violating the church's constitution by allowing people over 60 years of age to stand in the place of the next bishop.

This comes after 14 pastors from church branches from all parts of the country submitted their names for the post from which a bishop and a deputy will be appointed in March this year.

Only people between the ages of 45 and 60 are allowed to run for office under the constitution of the church.

The current bishop is Ernst // Gam-xamub, relieved by Paul Kisting.

However, Kisting (61), as well as Dean Simon Tiboth (60) from Immanuel Parish, are running for the position of Bishop, even though they both have more than 60 years.

The Namibian saw a list of candidates with their age next to their name.

Tiboth will be 61 in December of this year. George Dax, chairman of the church's electoral commission, declined to say why they were allowed to participate in the race at the bishop contrary to the Constitution.

Dax stated that he had already informed the church members concerned of the commission's position and the reason for which it had been authorized. People close to the situation said the two men were allowed to run for the post because they would be favorites of church leaders.

Kisting told the Namibian last week that he would not comment.

"You are trying me for something I can not really engage in. I can not comment," Kisting said.

Tiboth said, when asked why he was running for the position, he was afraid to comment, before adding that he was surprised that people were complaining about his age. He added that he was busy and meeting, but that the Namibian should call him later.

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