Namibia: San Want landless conference postponed


Swakopmund – The Kai Community! Akhoen Hai // om San wants the government to postpone the second planned land conference until they are assured that all minority groups will be represented as they say Minority groups are the first inhabitants of Namibia

They further assert that the San are still scattered in the country, the government having failed to resettle them after 28 years of independence.

The Kai community! Akhoen Hai // om San opinion that the regional land conference consultations are useless as they focus only on urban areas and completely exclude rural areas.

Marcel Nauseb, spokesman and adviser to Chief Ananias Soroseb, head of Hai San San, who still seek the "recognition" of the government despite being of the traditional royal authority of San , said that they do not know if the government simply ignores the history of the people of San or he does not know the "We write letters since 2010 to the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development as well as" to former presidents to get a hearing so that we can expose our case and be relocated and recognized as a traditional authority.But it seems that our pleas have fallen in the ear of a deaf person ", he said .

He said that the fact that the San are landless has negatively affected their traditions and norms since they no longer live in community. we seek international assistance so that we can also benefit from Namibia. All we want is for our leader to be recognized as legitimately for the traditional royal authority and for us to be resettled so that we too can live a dignified life like all Namibians ", a- he said

ask the government to postpone the next land reform conference until we have a royal household representative Hai // om San We were already excluded from the 1991 land conference and policies were taken for tribes from outside Namibia, while we, after 28 years, are still landless, "he said. Hunter-Gatherers & # 39; from Reinhard Friederich, the late Chief #Abebeb was killed and buried in 1904 under a tree in the farm of Marburg, in the Okorusu region where he lived with his people.

The book says that #Abebeb was killed with his two On the same day, armed German soldiers buried his sons and his sons were buried a few kilometers from the tree, in a hole in the air. water located in the same area, most Kai! Akhoen Hai // om San who were under #Abebeb. in other places for fear of what happened to their leader.

Relatives close to the late #Abebeb chief would also have changed their last name while they were being chased by German soldiers.

The current traditional chef of Kai! Akhoen Hai // om San community in Otjiwarongo, the leader Soroseb succeeded his father, the leader Theofellus Soroseb, in 2011.

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