Namibia: Union threatens to continue ministry at the expense of adult education


The Namibian Teachers Union threatened to bring the Ministry of Education to court if they failed to resolve the many concerns Teachers of Adult Education

. In Windhoek yesterday, there was no uniformity in salaries and there was a serious need for policies and a revised program. "Some regions pay a monthly salary of N $ 3,877, while others still pay the former salary of N $ 2,981," he added.

Kavihuha added that adult literacy teachers were not entitled to overtime. In addition, Kavihuha said that there was no directive on how the division of adult education and the formal education sector share equipment.

The other issue, Kavihuha, was the freezing of adult education positions. 9.

He requested that the Ministry of Education immediately place all education officials in eighth grade and reimburse any money unduly deducted from their salary.

"We asked the Office of the Permanent Secretary to check and return to" If the Prime Minister does not respond to the 30-day notice, we will take legal action against the Government of Namibia, to make sure that what we have Permanent Secretary of Education, Sanet Steenkamp, ​​said that she could not comment on this since she did not officially saw the document containing the complaint.

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