Namibian DJs looking for a renewed association, a representation


NAMIBIENS professional and upcoming DJs met last Saturday to discuss a new representation under a formal association.

Among the participants were members of the Namibia National DJs Association, which disappeared a few years after being set up in 2011. "We established a link with DMC World DJ Championships where our DJs could participate; things like sound equipment that DJs could praise, we asked the minister to give us the mandate so that DJs could operate under the law, "said Herbert Wantenaar, also known as DJ Funky, from the former association, he spoke about what led to the disappearance of the association, including allegations of embezzlement.

"People have talked about l & # 39; DJ association that ate money, but it was only rumors.Instead of coming to us and asking for evidence of our finances.We would have shown them and we would have explained that it was not a problem. This is how the law works, "he said.

The association, he said, went to the Namibian Society of Composers and Music Authors (Nascam) with the proposal that the association be charged as a whole rather than individual DJs. It also allowed members to be registered with a pro-dub license that legally allows DJs to play music in public.

Radio DJ Che Ulenga, who chaired the meeting, said the new renamed association seeks to act as a voice for DJs. "If we have 10 representatives, they will represent all the DJs in Namibia."

The hot topic that was raised throughout the discussions was the $ 800 annual subscription that DJs pay to Nascam

. the association was to be created, or if the DJs would support the foundation established by the former association.

The participants selected a preliminary group of representatives to act as a board of trustees. administration of the association until the establishment of a final list DJs from all over the country went to the meeting, with representatives from Rehoboth, Okahandja and Outjo in the Kunene region.

[email protected]; @rukeeveni on Twitter

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