NASA teams up with SpaceX, Blue Origin to design a lunar human lander


The agency hopes that this initiative will lead to the development of a human landing system including a transfer vehicle that astronauts can use from the proposed lunar orbital base, called the "Moonlit Orbital Bridge". ". In addition, the undercarriage must also have a descent element capable of transporting astronauts to the lunar surface and an ascending element to bring them back to the bridge. Finally, NASA wants the LG and its components to have refueling capabilities that make them reusable.

Some participants will work on all these elements, while others will only work on one or two. SpaceX, for example, only conducts a study on the descent element. Blue Origin, for its part, will conduct a descent element study, a transfer vehicle study and will also build a prototype transfer vehicle.

A few days ago, the government introduced an amendment to the fiscal year 2020 budget that would add $ 1.6 billion to the $ 10.7 billion budget planned to bring the first woman and the next man on the Moon from here 2024. Called the Artemis Exploration Project, This mission aims to transport American astronauts to the South Pole of the Moon in five years and establish our presence on the natural satellite of Earth from here 2028.

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