NASA's InSight sends back a staggering picture of Mars as the LG gets to work


Yesterday, NASA's Insight mission hit the headlines after the space agency landed on the surface of Mars.

The delicate landing including "seven minutes of terror" has had disastrous consequences for the world.

Now, the LG has sent back an amazing image of the Martian surface, showing that it has settled nicely.

NASA tweeted the picture saying, "There is a quiet beauty here. Looking forward to exploring my new home. "

The space agency has also put online an animation of InSight returning its solar panels.

He tweeted, "Aaah … enjoy the sun with my solar panels. After a long flight and the thrilling #MarsLanding awards, it's great to stretch and recharge my batteries. (Literally, like.) That's exactly what I need to really start listening to Mars. "

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Insight March landing of NASA

Now that the LG is safe on the surface, it will perform a series of important investigations.

Insight will study Mars' "inner space", including its crust, mantle and core, to help NASA better understand how the planet has formed.

It will also measure tectonic activity and meteorite impacts on Mars today.

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