New PS Health to Demand Accountability


Benetus Nangombe, the newly appointed permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health, says he will hold public health officials accountable for ensuring the quality and timeliness of service delivery.

Yesterday, Nangombe, He will officially begin his new role on August 1 and stated that one of his first tasks would be to ensure that those who are involved in public health are held accountable and produce the expected results.

"I am aware of a national priority, and that is why we are accountable," he said, adding that public health staff currently need motivation to work

"They must be motivated to do what is right, and those who do not want – some procedures must follow," he said.

He said that he was aware that the task ahead was crucial, will be responsible for navigating in the public health sector that is already facing many challenges, including the dilapidated state of some health facilities.

"I join the ministry of health at a time when the new strategic plan for the next five years has just been launched. The plan sets out the way forward for the future, and I will work in that direction, "he said.

Nangombe added that in the coming weeks he would become familiar with the administrative aspects of the ministry while At the launch of the new strategic plan a week ago, Health Minister Bernard Haufiku said his ministry would need N $ 38.6 billion to improve health care in the country

that its purpose was to provide direction to the ministry, to help set priorities and to improve the delivery of public health services.

The strategic plan will cover the years 2017-18 up to the end of the year. in 2021-22, and the implementation will cost N $ 6 billion, or N $ 7.73 billion each year.

During the launch, the ministry also identified gaps, such as insufficient human resources for health, a fi insufficient funding, insufficient specialist services, poor communication at all levels, a negative staff attitude towards services and poor contract management. Nangombe, who is currently the Deputy Permanent Secretary for Research and Public Liaison in the Office of the President, succeeds Andreas Mwoombola, who was transferred to the Prime Minister's office last year.

Petronella Masabane was active since last December.

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