New Zealand blocks planned launch of 5G by Huawei in China | News | DW


New Zealand's intelligence agency on Wednesday prevented mobile phone operator Spark from using China's telecom giant Huawei's equipment as part of its planned deployment for 5G, citing "a significant risk to network security. ".

This decision follows a similar action by Australia earlier this year, as Western powers are increasingly concerned about China's growing influence in the Pacific.

Read more: China and Australia compete for influence in the Pacific

The United States has called on allied governments to ensure that Internet and wireless service providers do not use the equipment of Huawei, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. Huawei was founded in 1987 by a former officer of the People's Liberation Army.

China Huawei Ren Zhengfei (photo-alliance / AP photo)

Ren Zhengfei, a former engineer of the People's Liberation Army, is the founder and general manager of Huawei.

In its statement, Spark said the decision of the government's Communications Security Bureau was "disappointing", but that it would not affect the launch of its 5G network. July 30, 2020. The company said that it was planning to use a Huawei 5G equipment for its network access radio, which involves a cell phone tower infrastructure.

Read more: ZTE and Huawei forbid genuine security problems or part of China's trade?

New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, which includes the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia. China has long denied that material manufactured by Huawei can be used as a back door for unauthorized intelligence or espionage.

cw / amp (AFP, AP, dpa, Reuters)

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