Nintendo's stock price falls again with a lack of game ads may be to blame


Today, Nintendo's share price has dropped another 5.27% at the end of trading day in Japan.

We have observed several fluctuations in the stock price during the last period. a few weeks, with the most recent decline apparently related to the Nintendo E3 presentation. It has been suggested that the decline was due to investors' doubts about Nintendo's ability to achieve its hardware and software sales estimates, with a lack of new games being shown during the presentation causing concerns.

Now prices have gone down the same reason. The Nikkei (a stock index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) estimates that the drop today is due to lack of information on new securities and a decline in sales of Switch. You can see the drop below.

  Screen Shot 2018-07-04 to 16.13.38.png

Despite these concerns, we have already heard say that Nintendo is still confident that it can achieve its goal of 20 million consoles have been shipped this fiscal year, and now the former Nintendo chairman, Tatsumi Kimishima, said the company will reveal more about its full range from 2018 to the future. Essentially, it seems like shareholders are worried about a lack of information, but Nintendo wants to keep future announcements secret as long as possible, hurting each other.

I hope things will calm down a bit when Nintendo unveils its future. plans.

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