'No Man's Sky Next' place graphics against performance on Xbox One X

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# No Man's Next Sky Credit: Hello Games

No Man's Sky finally made its way to the Xbox One consoles with the update Next was published recently and the developer Hello Games learned a hard lesson on the hype after the disastrous launch of the game in 2016 on the PS4 and has little to say about will behave on Microsoft's powerful Xbox One X. Now that the game is out, Digital Foundry takes a look The results are mixed No Man's Next Sky is awesome on One X but the performance is uneven.

'No Man's Next Sky' Credit: Digital Foundry

Quality and performance

Players can choose between the Quality and Performance modes on the One X. Full resolution sports quality mode 4K (3840 x 2160) with HDR: The drawing distance extends deep into the frame that works brilliantly with No Man's Sk y Expansive Planetary Views of Next . Pop in is minimal even as you travel the landscape at high speed in your ship. In addition to increasing the pull distance, the One X offers improved texture filtering and better ambient occlusion than the One S. (If some technical terms are unfamiliar, see this guide .)

The beautiful images seen in Quality mode on the One X are at the expense of performance. The frame rate can be capped at 30 fps or left uncapped. Uncapped is so variable that Digital Foundry recommends playing with the 30 FPS cap in place. Even with the cap, the One X can not support 30 ips in Quality mode. Frequency drops in images and rips at the top of the screen appear during very stressful scenes like landing on a planet or laser in a foliage-rich area.

Performance mode is the solution for those who prefer higher quality graphics. The One X can sometimes reach 60 fps with an uncapped frame rate, but even in Performance mode, the frame rate is so variable that Digital Foundry continues to recommend the 30 fps ceiling.

Source: Digital Foundry

The loss of visual quality of the performance mode is mainly manifested by a degradation of the resolution. Performance mode plays at 2560 x 1440. It's better than the original 1080p version of the PS4 version (1920 x 1080), but it's a significant drop compared to the full 4K mode of the Quality mode. You can get a rough idea of ​​the visual differences between the different versions of No Man's Sky Next in the picture above. Digital Foundry has an interactive comparison chart that gives a much better picture as you move around the expanded views of different scenes.

If the One X has trouble combining quality graphics with a smooth shooting rate, The Next Man's Skies will be focused on the One S. The One S has only one mode and the resolution is limited to 900p native (1600 x 900). The game is better than expected because Hello Games used a good anti-alias temporal solution to smooth the edges. The picture is soft but not rough. The frame rate is less stable on the One S than on the One X with drops below 20 fps during high-constrained scenes

Comparison of the frame rate on a space station Credit: Digital Foundry

Two strange anomalies

There is something very strange with the frequencies of images in the space stations of No Man's Sky Next . Take a look at the picture above. This is not an error. The frequency of images on One X is lower than that of One S in space stations. As you might expect, the situation is reversed on the planets with the One S lagging behind the One X. Your estimate is as good as mine as to what could happen here

No Man & # Sky Next has another strange feature. There was a cloud over No Man's Sky and Hello Games since the gaming world discovered that the original game was far from Sean Murray's extravagant claims about what the game would be like. Many of Murray's original promises have finally been fulfilled but the cloud is still there. Only this time it is not figurative, it is literal.

No Man's Next Sky looks very good in Quality mode on a large HDR 4K screen. The planetary perspectives are deeply drawn and richly detailed. The lighting is often beautiful and, on the right planet at the right time of day, the visuals are breathtaking. Until you look up.

There is a cloud movement system that interacts very well with extraterrestrial light. The problem is that clouds seem to have derived from a game made 20 years ago. The resolution is so low that clouds are like blurry drops of cotton candy through a pair of glasses that has not been cleaned in months. They are so bad that you have to wonder why. Maybe Hello Games makes a veiled comment on the cloud that they have been working on for two years

'No Man's Sky Next' Credits: Hello Games


No Man's Next Sky is much better than the original game in many ways and its long delayed release on the Xbox One is the welcome. That said, Hello Games still has work to do to optimize its game for Microsoft consoles.

The One X version is decidedly superior to the One S and is clearly the way to play on an Xbox One. The game looks very good in Quality mode and plays smoothly but not consistently with a 30 fps ceiling in Performance mode on the One X. However, performance takes too many shots if you play in Quality mode and the reverse is true in Performance Mode

Hello Games has demonstrated a deep commitment to improving their game and there is no reason to think that they will stop with this version of No Man & Sky Next . I expect that the weaknesses of the current version will be addressed in future updates. And I hope that they will do something about these clouds.

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"> [19659030] # No Man's Sky Next" Credits: Hello Games

No Man's Sky finally made his way to the Xbox One consoles with the update Next A hard lesson on the release of the PS4 version after the disastrous launch of the PS4 in 2016. It has little Things To Say About How No Man's Next Sky will behave on Microsoft's powerful Xbox One X. Digital Foundry has taken a look The results are mixed No Man's Next Sky is awesome on One X but the performance is uneven.

'No Man's Next Sky' Credit: Digital Foundry

Quality and Performance

Players can choose between the Quality and Performance modes on the One X. Full resolution 4K sports quality mode (3840 x 2160) with HDR. ssin extends deep into the frame, which works brilliantly with the expansive planetary visions of No Man's Sky Next . Pop in is minimal even as you travel the landscape at high speed in your ship. In addition to increasing the pull distance, the One X offers improved texture filtering and slightly better occlusion than the One S. (If some technical terms are unfamiliar, see this guide .)

The beautiful images seen in Quality mode on the One X are at the expense of performance. The frame rate can be capped at 30 fps or left uncapped. Uncapped is so variable that Digital Foundry recommends playing with the 30 FPS cap in place. Even with the cap, the One X can not support 30 ips in Quality mode. Frequency drops in images and rips at the top of the screen appear during very stressful scenes like landing on a planet or laser in a foliage-rich area.

Performance mode is the solution for those who prefer higher quality graphics. The One X can sometimes reach 60 fps with an uncapped frame rate, but even in Performance mode, the frame rate is so variable that Digital Foundry continues to recommend the 30 fps ceiling.

Graphic comparison. Credit: Digital Foundry [19659009LapertedequalitévisuelledumodeperformancesemanifesteprincipalementparunedégradationdelarésolutionLemodePerformancejoueà2560x1440C&#39;estmieuxquelaversion1080poriginaledelaversionPS4(1920×1080)maisc&#39;estunebaissesignificativeparrapportaumode4KcompletdumodeQualitéVouspouvezavoiruneidéeapproximativedesdifférencesvisuellesentrelesdifférentesversionsde No Man & # 39; s Next Sky in the & # 39; picture above. Digital Foundry has an interactive comparison chart that gives a much better picture as you move around the expanded views of different scenes.

If the One X has trouble combining quality graphics with a smooth shooting rate, The Next Man's Skies will be focused on the One S. The One S has only one mode and the resolution is limited to 900p native (1600 x 900). The game is better than expected because Hello Games used a good anti-alias temporal solution to smooth the edges. The picture is soft but not rough. The frame rate is less stable on the One S than on the One X with falls below 20 fps during high-stress scenes

Comparison of the frame rate on a space station Credit: Digital Foundry

Two strange anomalies

There is something very strange with the frequencies of images in the space stations of No Man's Sky Next . Take a look at the picture above. This is not an error. The frequency of images on One X is lower than that of One S in space stations. As you might expect, the situation is reversed on the planets with the One S lagging behind the One X. Your estimate is as good as mine as to what could happen here

No Man & # Sky Next has another strange feature. There was a cloud over No Man's Sky and Hello Games since the gaming world discovered that the original game was far from Sean Murray's extravagant claims about what the game would be like. Many of Murray's original promises have finally been fulfilled but the cloud is still there. Only this time it is not figurative, it is literal.

No Man's Next Sky looks very good in Quality mode on a large HDR 4K screen. The planetary perspectives are deeply drawn and richly detailed. The lighting is often beautiful and, on the right planet at the right time of day, the visuals are breathtaking. Until you look up.

There is a cloud movement system that interacts very well with extraterrestrial light. The problem is that clouds seem to have derived from a game made 20 years ago. The resolution is so low that clouds are like blurry drops of cotton candy through a pair of glasses that has not been cleaned in months. They are so bad that you have to wonder why. Maybe Hello Games makes a veiled comment on the cloud in which they've been working for two years

'No Man's Sky Next' Credits: Hello Games


No Man's Next Sky is much better than the original game in many ways and its long delayed release on the Xbox One is the welcome. That said, Hello Games still has work to do to optimize its game for Microsoft consoles.

The One X version is decidedly superior to the One S and is clearly the way to play on an Xbox One. The game looks very good in Quality mode and plays smoothly but not consistently with a 30 fps ceiling in Performance mode on the One X. However, performance takes too many shots if you play in Quality mode and the reverse is true in Performance Mode

Hello Games has demonstrated a deep commitment to improving their game and there is no reason to think that they will stop with this version of No Man & Sky Next . I expect that the weaknesses of the current version will be addressed in future updates. And I hope that they will do something about these clouds.

If you're interested in video games, here are some articles you might enjoy.

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