Not enough ketchup: an American attacks McDonald's director


A Californian became furious after ordering food past the fast food restaurant. (AFP photo)

LOS ANGELES: A California woman was behind bars Wednesday for beating and strangling a McDonald's manager after discovering there was not enough ketchup in her order, the police said.

Mayra Berenice Gallo, 24, apparently became furious on 27 October after ordering food through the fast food service in Santa Ana.

Police spokesman Anthony Bertagna told AFP that an angry Gallo had burst into the restaurant by the employee's main entrance.

"She was angry at not having received ketchup," Bertagna said.

The incident, videotaped, ended after a man with him took her away.

She was arrested on Tuesday after police received information from the public and was currently charged with assault.

Bertagna said that such incidents unfortunately become too frequent.

"We are seeing more and more of these things. Why? we do not know, "he said. "We had a guy in a 7-Eleven (convenience store) who tried to buy a bag of M & M's almonds and when his credit card did not work, he basically destroyed the store. "

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