Not enough smartphone to rescue HTC


Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

After years of declining sales, releasing $ 1 billion in patents and personnel to Google, and recently cutting 25% of its workforce World, I've got a big question: So what's left? Of course, HTC could have isolated its promising activities of Vive VR by turning this department into a separate company. But as for HTC itself, if the whole company has left in the tank its upcoming crypto and this, the new U12 +, things are not going well.

Initially, when I heard about U12 +, I was optimistic. HTC's old flagship phone was one of the biggest sleepers of 2017 thanks to its unique design, the huge 3930 mAh battery in the larger U11 +, and a camera as good, even better than those of Samsung and Apple handsets. And for 2018, it seemed like HTC was going to be looking at its innovative side pressure sensors so you could control even more features with just a touch of the hand.


What is it?

HTC's latest (and possible last sound) flagship phone


Transparent back slick, big speakers, and his camera is legitimate

Do not Like [19659006] Lower battery life and touch controls and squeeze

] And that paid off because now in addition to just shaking the phone to summon the Google wizard or whatever you want, You can also double-tap the sides of the phone to go back, press and hold any app of your choice, or simply grab the phone to prevent it from darkening or making rotate the screen without your approval.

In addition to that, you can even customize what the phone does contextually in individual applications. For example, by using the camera application, you can press the phone to take a photo, or press and hold to switch between the front and rear cameras of the phone. And because almost all of these features can be adjusted and adjusted to your liking, the U12 + has the impression of having an infinite number of customization possibilities. This is the dream of a phone tweaker.

Unfortunately, what HTC forgot to do, is to increase the sensitivity of the U12 + pressure sensors, because even when they are set to their lowest level, the phone is hurting at ease, and if you squeeze the phone a lot, could even be a little painful. The metal sides of the phone have no gift, so for the handset to recognize your pressure, you must essentially hurt your fingers.

These things on the side can look like buttons, but they are really just swollen [Maispeut-êtrequelaplusgrandeoffensedel'U12+estcequeHTCafaitauxboutonsdeverrouillageetdevolumedutéléphone"C'estparcequ'ilsnesontpasvraimentdesboutonsdutoutilssontdepetitsmorceauxdemétalsurélevésavecencoreplusdecapteurstactilesintégrésEtcontrairementaux"buttons"d'origineTouchIDquel'ontrouvesurlesanciensiPhonesHTCn'apasvraimentessayéd'utiliserdeshaptiquesdehautequalitépourtromperlesdoigtsenleurfaisantcroirequ'ilssontréelsBiensûrles"buttons"vibrentquandvouslesappuyezmaisilssesententtoujoursmortsetcommelesautrescommandesdecompressiondutéléphonevousdevezappuyerdessusplusfortquevousnelepensezquandvousvoulezqu'ilsfonctionnent[19659003] I really do not understand, and when you consider the back of sinuous glass, almost fluid like the phone, I think it's a tragedy that HTC has not gone to the end and has co the U12 +'s buttons are fully focused on full touch control. In a world where phone makers are already trying to eliminate everything on a phone that is not a screen or camera, it would be a bold step in our inevitable future.

When the light just hits, the transparent back of the U12 + looks sick.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

Meanwhile, inside, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chip from the phone, 6GB of RAM, 64GB of storage and a microSD card slot offer the same yield than a phone at $ 800. However, his battery does not work. For some reason, after placing a huge 950 mAh battery in the U11 +, which included a screen with the same dimensions of 6 inches and 2880 x 1440 resolution as the U12 +, HTC oddly opted for a smaller 3500 mAh this time. This means that on our deceleration test, the U12 + lasted only 8 hours and 1 minute, the shortest time of all phones in 2018, regardless of the price, and between three and four hours (or more) the competitors including the Galaxy S9 + (12:27), the Huawei P20 Pro (11:36), or OnePlus 6 (13:03).

Even major device makers like Sony are struggling to keep pace with Google and Samsung cameras, but HTC has done so.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

However, one of the features of the U12 + is its cameras, which have been dubbed to include two 8 MP cams in the front and two 12 MP cameras at the back. This means that you can take portrait-size photos regardless of the side of the phone you're using, which is fine, but what's even more impressive is that once again, HTC has managed to keep pace with its traditional competitors. In the light of day, not only has the U12 + captured a picture of a flower in the declining light of a sunset with a more accurate white balance, but it has not sprouted Too much saturation and sharpness of colors. S9 +

Click to view pictures in full resolution
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

And in low light, while the photo of the U12 + seems slightly more grainy than that of the S9 +, it does not have all the greenish plaster on the yellow warning track at the bottom of the photo, there are better details on the pavers of the road, and bright and clear colors everywhere. The only other advantage of the S9 + is a slightly better range, as can be seen with more details in the rafters of the top of the building.

The front and back double cameras will always allow you to take pictures in portrait mode.
Photo: Sam Rutherforrd (Gizmodo)

So, in the end, we still have an incredibly frustrating phone. In addition to its clear and smooth glass bottom, it looks almost exactly like last year's device, and yet, its cameras are even better. Unfortunately, the U12 + has taken a step back on the battery life, and even though its improved pressure sensors offer even more control and customization, performance and performance of touch functions and HTC's compression are just not there. more is that with HTC in such problems financially, it is possible that the U12 + could be the last HTC flagship phone ever made. And for a company that has created a number of great handsets like the T-Mobile G1 (or the HTC Dream as it's known outside of the US), which was the first phone sold on Android, or the Legendary HTC One M7, which may have been the best phone of its generation, the death of HTC is a pretty depressing thought. And despite its flaws, the U12 + shows that HTC has not sold all of its best ideas to Google. There is still potential in what's left of HTC, but if things do not improve soon, all of HTC's biggest hits can stay strictly in the past.

Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)


  • "Buttons" on the side of the U12 + are actually fake touch sensors that have no real tactile feedback.
  • At only 8 am, the U12 + battery life the shortest we've seen on any smartphone
  • Specifications and performance are generally pretty solid, but with a peak brightness of 400 nits, the screen of the U12 + could be a little clearer.
  • The clear glass on the back is pretty, and his camera


Android 8.0 • 6 inch LCD screen 2880 x 1440 • Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor • 6GB RAM • 64GB or 128GB storage • microSD card slot • ste reo speakers • Two 8 MP front cameras • Two 12 MP rear cameras • Water resistance IP-68 • USB 3.1 port Type C • No headphone jack • 6,17 x 2,91 x 0.34 inches • 6.63 ounces

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