NTTU ignores the warning of taxi increase … While NABTA is willing to negotiate


NTTU ignores the warning of taxi increase … While NABTA is willing to negotiate

by Kelvin Chiringa

L & # The Transportation and Taxis Union of Namibia (NTTU) has made it clear that it will not consider a warning from the Department of Works against its 50% increase, while the Namibian Association of Transportation and Transportation (NTP) has said that it will not be allowed to pay. Buses and taxis (NABTA) have called this increase cancellable and will negotiate with the government for a better deal.

In a press release sent to the villager yesterday afternoon, the ministry said that such an increase was not within the parameters of the law citing the Road Transportation Act 1977 Section 12 (3) .

The holder of a public permit authorized to transport persons for remuneration may increase the rates after a fuel increase, but not more than 10%.

"Non-compliance with Conditions of Authorization, subsection 25 (1) of the Act authorizes the Transportation Bureau to withdraw or suspend a license at any time if it is established that the circumstances in which which this permit has been granted changed ", read the statement.

Speaking in this publication, NTTU President Werner Januarie said such a law was unconstitutional and that its provisions would not prevent them from going forward. with the increases.

"He does not say that we have to inform the ministry to raise tariffs and we will increase because we can not agree with a law that is unconstitutional," he said at A telephone interview.

NABTA Secretary General Pendapala Nakathingo said their negotiation is a negotiation for a better deal that should serve the interests of the public and taxi operators and will not be anywhere higher

. this year, but we can not say right now when it will be. We are still negotiating with the government and we remain open to negotiation, "he told The Villager.

Meanwhile, the Department of Public Works said it had received requests to increase 50 % of the NABTA tariff, 20% of the NTTU and 10% of the Namibia Public Passenger Transport Association

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