Nuketown, Nazi zombies and all the things you may have missed in the new Black Ops 4 Blackout teaser


Yesterday, Treyarch released a trailer for its upcoming Call of Duty beta: Black Ops 4, but let's be honest, it's not what you are here. While the new closed multiplayer preview sequence looks stellar, the trailer also featured a teaser for Blackout, the Royal Battle Mode of Black Ops 4, which will have its own beta on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in September.

It just appears at the end of the multiplayer beta trailer, and only lasts a few seconds, but offers live gameplay reels, full of secrets and nice surprises for Call of Duty fans. The teaser flashes so fast, in fact you may not have taken all the cool things that it shows. Here are the important things you may have missed.

The classic Call of Duty cards are here, including Nuketown

In a series of blink and you'll miss moments, key locations in Call of Duty's multiplayer past, including the favorite chaos pit of any the world; Nuketown. The map has appeared in almost all Call of Duty games since it first appeared in Black Ops, and will apparently only be a part of Blackouts, a great map, with Cargo, Raid, and a host of other unidentifiable locations seen briefly in this trailer.

The iconic Nazi zombie cards also make a cameo (as do the zombies)

Recognize the location above? That's because it's Verruckt, a classic map of Nazi Zombie's popular fashion horde of Call of Duty, which appeared in World at War in 2008. This suggests that even maps aside from the PvP content of Call of Duty will be part of Blackout. setting, and the fact that you can see the zombies themselves at one point in the trailer implies that they could be another threat to fight in the royal battle.

The Wings are definitely * a thing *

It's hard to discern, but the above picture confirms that Treyarch is taking a Just Cause approach to crossing Blackout, showing two soldiers hovering on a wingsuit pool. It is not clear if these gliding suits will be available from the start, but for my part, I can not wait to drop unsuspecting enemies from above, Far Cry style.

Your favorite Call of Duty characters are here (Hi Frank!)

Is it me, or does this guy in the background look strangely like Frank Woods, Black Ops and Black Ops 2? We knew that Blackout allowed you to play as classic characters from previous Call of Duty campaigns, but this teaser finally gives us a better overview of how it works. You can even see someone playing like Bruno Delacroix, a new character from the Black Ops 4 Nazi Zombies campaign. He's the guy who holds the massive sniper rifle.

The combat of the vehicles is finished Battlefield

The biggest point of sight of Blackout is this scene, in which two teams are launched in a wooded plain. A squad is raining shrapnel in the comfort of a helicopter, while the other tries to get away with quads to two. Thanks to a well-timed RPG, the quad team wins, proving that air vehicles will not necessarily be a sure way to win the victory in Call of Duty on the Royal Battle. It's definitely a good thing for acrophobes like me.

You will be able to try the multiplayer beta of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 this weekend but, by then, check out the best shooters you can play now.

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