Number of winter birds in August


The annual count of winter birds in Walvis Bay will take place on the weekend of August 4th and 5th of this year.

Peter Bridgeford, a member of the Coastal and Environmental Trust of Namibia, made this statement this week.

"It is at this time of year that we need to start thinking about the annual count of winter birds in Walvis Bay.It appears that we have had a successful summer count. yesterday.

"Please note in your newspaper / phone the next account that will take place on the weekend of 4 and 5 August," he told members and volunteers.The last winter census of birds had held in July of last year when 18 volunteers participated and a total of 55412 birds were counted in Walvis Bay.have had in recent years.July 2009, 2011 and 2012 all counted less.In July 2015 We had a total of 56,448 birds, "said Bridgeford in a statement last year attributing the low numbers to the breeding migration.

At least 22,900 large flamingos were recorded during the winter census of last year. A lower number was recorded in August 1990, with only 16,700 and in July 1996, 21,800.

Lesser flamingos totaled 9,600 birds.

The last summer census took place in February 2018.

The account was sponsored by the Buccaneers Squash Club, Walvis Bat Salt Refiners, Lookout, Namib Marine Services and Radio Electronic. Namibia Breweries and Probst Bakery. Walvis Bay Salt Refiners Delivered Lunches

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