Overwatch launches new in-game challenge


A new challenge goes live Overwatch today, and players who participate in earnest in-game rewards – most notably, a new skin for Baptism, the latest hero to join the game. The skin was teased in a short story yesterday, where he and his teammates made some serious decisions about his future.

As with the short story Bastet in January, starring Ana and Soldier: 76, players can log in and complete challenges to earn a set of Baptism-themed cosmetics.

The event begins today, June 18, and runs until July 1. On top of the new skin, the players can earn seven sprays and an icon. Here are all of the rewards currently available, and how to get them.

The first way to get the winnings is to win in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade – that's any match that is not a custom or Workshop game. The first three wins will win the Baptist player icon; at six wins, you earn two sprays; and the final reward for nine games is the Battle Medic Baptiste skin.

For the rest of the sprays, players can watch selected streamers on Twitch. These sprays are super cute, even if you're not a Baptist or Talon fan. Two hours will earn you one spray, four hours earns you two additional sprays, and six hours will complete your collection with three more sprays.

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Based on how Blizzard handled the Bastet challenge and the Nano Cola event for D.Va, these rewards will not return for quite some time – if ever – so make sure you get your games in quickly if you're a big fan of Baptist.

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