Passages: Dr. Theo Ben Gurirab, fighter for the liberation of Namibia, was 80


According to the records: Sam Nujoma, who became the first president of Namibia, with Dr. Theo Ben Gurirab

Dr. According to Namibian President Hage Geingob, Theo Ben Gurirab, Namibia 's prime minister of foreign affairs and minister, "a comrade and giant of the Namibian liberation struggle," died on Saturday, July 14, 2018 after a long illness in the US. age 80, in a Windhoek Hospital in Namibia

The December 12 Movement, Patrice Lumumba Coalition and Elombe Brath Foundation will hold a commemorative celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Theo Ben Gurirab on Friday, July 20, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the National Black Theater at 2031-33 – corner of 125 Street and 5th Avenue – National Black Theater Way, New York, NY 10035.

"Without the country's premier of the country, and a President Hage Geingob stated in a press release that [traduction] "Gurirab's outstanding work in the service of the liberation movement, SWAPO (South African African Peoples' Organization) n) member of the political party from the Central Committee and the Politburo to the Namibian people, will be cherished forever. "

Dr. Gurirab's international work as leader of SWAPO in Namibia, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, President of the 39 United Nations General Assembly and President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union earned him the respect of world leaders. "Ben Gurirab's steadfast leadership and pan-African vision of the world have largely contributed to the struggles of liberation of the African peoples over the world. continent and throughout the Diaspora He was a true freedom fighter

For more information, please contact the International Secretariat on December 12 at (718) 398-1766.

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