PDMYL condemns the proposed taxi increase


Berta Ndamona Martin, PDMYL Assistant Secretary of Finance (left) and PDMYL spokeswoman Maximalliant Katjimune. Photo: Strauss Lunyangwe

Strauss Lunyangwe

WINDHOEK – The Youth League of the People's Democratic Movement (PDMYL) strongly condemned the 50% increase proposed by the Namibian Transport and Taxis Union (NTTU) . At present, commuters pay N $ 10.00, while the proposed increase could increase to N $ 15.00.

The Youth League of the Official Opposition believes that this increase is unreasonable, especially for students who will have to pay more than N $ 45.00 per day

Currently, the union has not been consulted by the Ministry of Transportation to discuss the proposed increase. The union believes that taxi drivers are liable to high fines for traffic violations, not enough taxi stops that require drivers to stop to pick up passengers and slow issuance of taxi permits, among others.

Maximalliant Katjimune, the spokesman for the PDMYL estimates that the significant majority of the population living on famine wages will not be able to cope with the proposed increase. "We are therefore asking NTTU and the parent company, NABTA (Namibian Association of Buses and Taxis) to sit down and write a better and inclusive taxi tax plan. proposal is, in our opinion, totally unacceptable, "he concluded.

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