People better informed about the benefits of physical activity can also do more exercise – ScienceDaily


Most people misunderstand the level of physical activity that is good for the health and health benefits that this activity carries. According to a study published November 28, 2018 in the open access journal, the more you will master your knowledge on these topics, the more physical activity you will have. PLOS ONE.

A study from Central Queensland University in Australia, led by Stephanie Schoeppe, surveyed 615 Australian adults about their physical activity as well as their knowledge of the health benefits of physical activity and the risks of inactivity . Based on their responses, each participant was given a ranking in four areas: knowing that physical activity is beneficial and that inactivity is harmful; knowing that specific health problems are related to inactivity; find out how much physical activity is recommended; and apply that knowledge at your own risk. Participants were 24.4% male and 75.3% female, aged 18 to 77, with a median age of 43 and had relatively representative levels of education and employment status. of the Australian population in general.

Although the vast majority (99.6%) of participants strongly agree that physical activity is good for health, most did not know all of the illnesses associated with inactivity. On average, participants correctly identified 13.8 out of 22 illnesses associated with a lack of physical activity. In addition, 55.6% incorrectly responded to the amount of physical activity needed for health and 80% of people had not identified the probabilities of developing diseases without physical activity. A significant association was found between these scores on knowledge of the probabilities of inactivity-related illnesses and on the degree of activity of a person. Future research is needed to determine whether the results are true, equally between men and women, and whether the survey data correctly measure a person's actual physical activity levels.

Schoeppe adds: "Most people know that physical activity is good for health. Few people know the specific benefits of physical activity for health, and it's maybe this specific knowledge that positively influences their behavior in physical activity. "

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