President Mnangagwa concludes his official visit


Following the official visit of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Head of the State of Zimbabwe, to Namibia, the Presidencies of both countries issued a joint communiqué summarizing what happened during the past two years. last three days.

The complete joint statement reads as follows:

President Mnangagwa and his delegation were warmly welcomed on arrival at State House by His Excellency President Geingob. His Excellency President Mnangagwa was accompanied by the Hon. Lt. Gen (rtd) Dr. Sibusiso Moyo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; L & # 39; Hon. Sithembiso Nyoni, Minister of Women's Affairs, Community Development, Small and Medium Enterprises; L & # 39; Hon. Monica Mutsvangwa, Minister of Information, Advertising and Broadcasting; L & # 39; Hon. Joe B. Matiza, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Development; L & # 39; Hon. Mary Mliswa, Minister of State for the Province of Mashonaland and the West; and senior officials.

The two Heads of State noted with satisfaction and satisfaction the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries and reaffirmed their firm will to deepen and expand these relations in the mutual interest of their two peoples.
During their official talks, the two presidents discussed a wide range of issues of mutual interest at the bilateral, regional and international levels.
The two presidents also welcomed the progress made in implementing bilateral cooperation programs between the two countries in various sectors such as agriculture, mining and energy, education and training. training, health, local authorities, trade and investment, the environment and tourism, transport and tourism. communication, sport and culture, diplomatic cooperation and the legal sector, from the 9th session of the Permanent Standing Commission for Namibia-Zimbabwe Cooperation, which preceded the State visit from 22 to 24 July 2019.
During the State visit and in the continuation and reinforcement of bilateral cooperation, the following legal instruments were signed:
I. Terms of reference for the implementation of the Joint Commercial and Economic Committee (JTEC);
ii. Memorandum of Understanding on the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises;
iii. Revised Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Information, Media and Broadcasting;
iv. Revised Memorandum of Understanding on Science, Technology and Innovation;
v. Memorandum of Understanding between the Zimbabwe Tax Administration and the Namibian Customs and Excise Administration on Mutual Administrative Assistance;
vi. Memorandum of Understanding between the Zimbabwe Tax Administration and the Namibian Customs and Excise Administration on the Practical Implementation of the Bilateral Trade Agreement; and,
vii. Twinning Agreement between the Kavango-East Region of Namibia and the Province of Mashonaland-West Zimbabwe.
Building on the principles of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the two heads of state agreed on the need to increase trade and investment between the two countries. In this context, they jointly inaugurated the Dry Port of the Republic of Zimbabwe, on land donated by the Namibian Government, which has considerable potential for facilitating imports and exports through the port of Walvis Bay from Zimbabwe. landlocked, but also intensifies efforts to strengthen regional and continental economic integration
While welcoming the signing of the memorandum of understanding on the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the commissioning of the Trade Committee and Joint Committee (JTEC), the two presidents called on the private sectors of two countries to actively engage in mutually beneficial partnerships aimed at: accelerating trade and sustained economic growth and development between the two countries.
The two presidents agreed on the need to collectively fight against poverty and diseases that delay the development efforts of both countries, including the HIV / AIDS pandemic, tuberculosis and malaria. They emphasized the need to release resources for effective and affordable treatment of these diseases.
Both Presidents expressed their appreciation for the activities of the Kavango-Zambezi Transboundary Conservation Area, which offers considerable potential for regional tourism development, sustainable management of shared resources and community empowerment. In the same vein, President Geingob congratulated President Mnangagwa on the success of the Africa Wildlife Economics Summit, which was held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from 13 to 14 June 2019 .
Both presidents noted that most SADC member states had recently declared national emergencies as a result of devastating floods and droughts. President Geingob, in his capacity as SADC President, recalled the launch of SADC's regional appeal for humanitarian aid in response to tropical cyclone Idai and Kenneth, which affected Malawi, the Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The two presidents reaffirmed their support for the full implementation of the Paris climate agreement, given the natural disasters that have recently occurred in the region. In addition, the two heads of state applauded the two countries' decision to cooperate in the field of metrology to mitigate the effects of climate change.
At the regional level, the two presidents exchanged views on the political, economic and security situation prevailing in the SADC region. In this context, the two Presidents reaffirmed their commitment to working together for regional economic integration.
The two heads of state also stressed the need for Africa to take its destiny in its own hands, in particular by vigorously pursuing the objectives of collective economic independence and by strengthening regional and continental frameworks for the promotion of social development. -economic of Africa. . In this regard, President Geingob reiterated Namibia's concern over Zimbabwe's socio-economic difficulties, exacerbated by the economic and targeted sanctions imposed by Western countries. He called for the immediate and unconditional lifting of sanctions that cause untold hardship to the people of Zimbabwe and stressed the need for a constructive engagement and dialogue with the Government of Zimbabwe.
The two presidents welcomed the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area. They stressed the urgent need for African countries to intensify intra-African trade as an instrument to accelerate the long-term vision of the African Union for the development of the African Union. # 39; Agenda 2063 in terms of development, thus achieving the Africa we wish.
The two heads of state applauded the consolidation of democracy and good governance in the region, congratulated the SADC countries for the holding of peaceful and credible elections and called on the international community to continue to assist the people of the DRC in their efforts to consolidate peace, national reconstruction and economic development.
The two presidents expressed their satisfaction with the recently held SADC Western Sahara Solidarity Conference, which brought to the fore the critical situation of the Saharawi people. Despite the momentum generated by the holding of the Solidarity Conference, both Presidents noted the lack of progress in implementing UN resolutions on Western Sahara. They called on the international community to intensify its efforts for the exercise of the inalienable right to self-determination and national independence of the Saharawi people.
They also expressed grave concern at the deteriorating situation in the Middle East, particularly the situation in Palestine. The two presidents called for the immediate implementation of the relevant UN resolutions on Palestine.
Regarding the reform and democratization of the United Nations, especially the Security Council, the two presidents reaffirmed the African common position, contained in the Ezulwini consensus and the Sirte Declaration.
In Namibia, President Mnangagwa organized a business breakfast with the Namibian and Zimbabwean business community in Windhoek. He also visited MEATCO in Windhoek, the Seaflower Pelvic Processing Center (Pty) in Walvis Bay, as well as a site visit to NamPort.
President Mnangagwa laid a wreath at Heroes' Acre in honor of the fallen heroes and heroines of Namibia.
The two presidents decided to transform the mechanism of the joint commission into a binational commission co-chaired by the presidents of Namibia and Zimbabwe. The inaugural session of the BNC will take place in 2021.
At the end of his visit, His Excellency President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa expressed his deep gratitude and deep gratitude to His Excellency President Hage G. Geingob, to the Government and people of Namibia for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to him and his delegation during his visit.

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