In 12 years, the most beloved children's charity of South Africa has reached 762,594 underprivileged children in South Africa and in Namibia. The goal for 2018 is 115,000 Shoeboxes and in 2019, 125,000, allowing the Project to reach its millionth child in 2019.
Many people spend their 67 minutes of service on Mandela's day forming Santa Shoeboxes – decorate the box and fill with the required 8 elements. When the pledge opens on August 1st, the donor can choose his child from the online list. The Shoeboxes are then deposited at collection points across the country and distributed in time to bring joy to this particular child at the end of the year
This year, starting from Mandela Day, the 18th Shoe Shoe Project its busy supporters and those who live too far from a landing point, the opportunity to buy a Virtual Santa shoe box. The purchase of one of these shoe boxes is the ideal solution for donors living abroad and for those who can not be absent to mark Mandela's day, but who still want to contribute to a rural child in need
on behalf of the donor by teams of volunteers, and will be awarded to disadvantaged children living in remote rural areas of South Africa. Due to the lack of donors in these remote areas, these children would not receive a Santa's Shoebox at all – there were no donors buying our Santa's virtual shoe boxes
4,000 virtual Santa shoe boxes are offered, costing R400, including handling. Visit Santa's Shoebox Project Website to Purchase Your Virtual Santa Shoe Boxes – www.santashoebox.org.za
This year, pledges will open one month earlier than before – August 1st. From this date, donors are able to select children by name, living in their area, supporting their own community. (Virtual Santa Claus's generic shoeboxes are awarded on behalf of the donor – no promise is required.)
The project's general manager and founder, Irené Pieters, said, "This project has a life clean! Every year brings change. We heard from our supporters – the sponsors, the recipients and the volunteers – and in response, donated their time by taking a little bit of haste at the end of the year. "
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