Proposed amendments to Swapo's constitution focus on internal criticism


EXTENSIVE amendments proposed to sections of the Swapo Constitution dealing with disciplinary issues and leadership requirements were revealed to delegates at the ruling party's extraordinary convention in their information files on Wednesday.

The extraordinary Swapo Congress begins on Friday and ends on Saturday.

Among the proposed amendments, there is one that gives party leaders the power to expel party members who associate with other movements and causes that may be in conflict with the party. left.

The draft amendments, seen by the Namibian, should be discussed and approved over the weekend.

The draft document states that membership in a party is open to all Namibians aged 18 and over who accept its goals and "do not belong to or support a movement, organization or entity, that that organization or entity is registered or not "in accordance with the requirements of any law whose purposes and objectives are contrary to those of Swapo Party, as determined by the Central Committee".

According to the document, the Swapo Central Committee would give an affected member an ultimatum – resign from the other movement or Swapo.

"If this member refuses to resign from Swapo Party within 23 days, this refusal will constitute a fault and disciplinary measures will be taken against members likely to lead to expulsion," say the amendments. proposed.

These clauses appear to have been specifically formulated to target Swapo members who sympathize with movements such as the Affirmative Repositioning Movement (AR) and the Landless People Movement (LFM).

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