RA spends 99% of the allocated budget


RA spends 99% of the allocated budget

by Rodney Pienaar

The Namibian Roads Authority has exhausted a total of 3,345,877,567 N $ (99%) of the $ 3,389,205,000 Namibian budget allocated to program and capital development projects during the 2016/17 fiscal year.

Expenditures of N $ 1,678,584,000 (50 per cent) were financed by the Road Fund Administration while the balance of N $ 1,667,298,576 (50 per cent) was provided by the United Nations. State for road development; According to the annual report of the authority, the construction and upgrading of control centers of vehicles and drivers. "While the AR has been very successful in many operations, the revenue generated from the preservation of road infrastructure remains a concern, but the AR remains optimistic that the funds will be needed. allocated and that the AR will continue to perform the functions assigned to it, "the report states.

The authority has so far created 12,400 jobs as part of its small and medium enterprise development initiatives and the market value is $ 295,250,591.48 Namibian dollars.

According to the report, the authority also participated in several law enforcement operations in the country, such as the Road Safety Initiative of August 2016, which is the first time that the law enforcement agency has been operating. Joint Law Enforcement Operation Gaborone Trans-Kalahari Corridor Campaign conducted in collaboration with other agencies such as the Namibian Police and the MVA.

During the reporting period, the Authority completed the modernization of the Okahandja Vehicle and Driver Control Center and opened a registration authority for registration and registration services. Registration of Nkurenkuru. .

The modernization and installation of these facilities is part of the government's long-term strategy to improve road safety in Namibia.

"This initiative will ensure that the level of vehicle control and driver competence are international standards that will contribute significantly to road safety and reduce fatalities on our roads. the growth of the vehicle and driver population and the demand for testing services, "says the report.

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