Residents of Hardap Criticize Resettlement Program


HARDAP residents said on Tuesday that the land resettlement program was biased and unfair, while qualifying the criteria as discriminatory against poor and uneducated Namibians.

The Office of the Ombudsman held a public hearing chaired by the ombudsman John Walters Walters said that the need for a national survey regarding the land relocation program is made necessary by the numerous complaints lodged against the regional resettlement committees

. ] "There have been allegations of unfair treatment in the allocation of land, allegations that the main objectives of the resettlement policy have not been achieved and allegations that resettlement are not occupied by beneficiaries ". A 69-year-old farmer said she had been asking for a relocation farm for over 20 years without success and attributed the situation to unjust qualifying criteria.

"I am old now and tired of asking to be relocated as I have been doing for 20 years. Where can I get an agricultural qualification to date to be considered for resettlement?

She added that most people, especially the elderly, do not have a bank and only use the savings accounts offered by NamPost.

"It is sad that our government prefers educational qualifications to us, disadvantaged citizens," she said.

Another contributor, a farmer said that most farms in the Hardap area are allocated to people without livestock. "I know a lot of farms in the area that are sublet to others, because the first beneficiaries do not have any livestock. Is it fair that some of us, prosperous communal farmers, are suffering from our livestock and leaving them in the corridors to die?

He said that the agricultural experience gained over the years is lost and that the country is suffering indirectly. He said the plaintiffs were not even receiving a response from the Ministry of Agrarian Reform as to why their innumerable requests had not been successful and called on the government to conduct regular inspections and see if the initial beneficiaries are actually farming on allocated farms.

The resettlement program aims to cover all categories of landless, displaced and destitute people in the country.

The Office of the Ombudsman will also hold similar hearings in the other 13 regions of the country.

– Nampa

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