Samsung's 1TB 860 QVD SSD Drives to Make Flash Storage More Affordable


Samsung's 1TB 860 QVD SSD Drives to Make Flash Storage More Affordable

Samsung wants to lower prices of SSDs

WITH HIS FLEXIBLE TELEPHONE, Samsung is not without big ambitions, which probably explains why it wants to make flash storage as cheap as rotating drives.

This may seem like a step up for the South Korean company, since SSDs are a bit more expensive than hard drives with the same capacity. But Sammy seems to be trying with his 1TB 860 QVD SSD, which will only cost $ 149 (about £ 140).

If, like us, you've immediately checked Overclockers or Scan for current HD prices, you'll laugh at this paragraph.

Yes, we know that you can get 2 billion storage space for around £ 60, but you do not get the same data transfer performance as you get in a SSD; what a surprise, surprise, is why SSDs are more expensive.

But with its respective read and write speeds of up to 550 MB / s and 520 MB / s, Samsung is targeting the 1TB 860 QVD SSD to market SSD performance at a price closer to the readers of high-end disc. .

"Today's consumers are using, producing, and storing more high-resolution files than ever, including 4K video and graphics-intensive games, increasing demand for increased device capabilities and performance." storage, "said Dr. Mike Mang, vice president of product marketing for the memory sector at Samsung Electronics.

"With the introduction of the Samsung 860 QVO, Samsung continues to take the lead in multi-terabyte SSDs, delivering fast performance, reliability and value to more consumers around the world."

To back up this hyperbole, the 860 QVO incorporates Samsung's latest 4-bit V-NAND and Intelligent TurboWrite technology to deliver nippy speeds for good times.

Prices for SSDs have fallen in recent years as their capacity has increased.

They can not replace a rotating disk drive for pure storage capacity at affordable prices, but after the 860 QVO debuts in December, we could get closer to a computer world where SSDs are within reach of the most stylish computer builders. μ

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