San women are reluctant to open GBH cases


SAN women are reluctant to start criminal proceedings against abusive partners or tend to withdraw such cases as soon as they open, revealed Omaheke police.

Sergeant Lina Mbinga from the Gender Violence Investigation Unit The young San women's gathering in Gobabis on Thursday allowed the police to continue to receive a large number of requests for removal from the community San.

Mbinga made the revelation at a regional consultative meeting on the situation of San girls and women in Namibia. The consultation focused on the dialogue on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

She stated that even though the practice is common to all ethnic groups, young San women withdraw more cases than others. 19659003] Mbinga noted that cases of aggression with the intention of causing serious bodily harm especially when a woman was assaulted by her partner, tops the rep case list She noted that police have observed that San women are mostly reluctant to open such cases against their partners because they are afraid of losing them

. The woman who was clearly assaulted refused to open a case against the author, especially if that person is his partner. Mbinga noted that rape cases are often not reported to the police on time, as San women seem to regard these practices as normal.

"We have seen high cases of incest and rape but such cases are coming late to the police, which makes us believe that there are many other cases that do not are not reported, "said Mbinga

. there are fears that child maintenance cases against non San men who have children with San women are often lost.

She said that when child-care hearings are organized, these men take them away from their mothers' care, and some San women hardly see their children anymore

. Omaheke has a high concentration of San, many of whom reside in the constituencies of Aminuis, Kalahari and Okorukambe.

Small towns and villages such as Witvlei, O tjinene, Plessis Plaas, Driemiopsis, Skoonheid Farm and Omitara have a large number of San inhabitants.


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