Shenmue's New Video Presents the Reality of Dobuita Street


Shenmue was a genre game when it was released in 2000, and over time, Ryo Hazuku's journey became a legend. It was a game part of life and something that was not for everyone – but for all who played it and "clicked" with them, the adventure was exciting. The North American version of the sequel was stopped on Dreamcast, but got a release on the original Xbox. The series, but especially the first, was announced to give you a glimpse of a day in people's lives and she reproduced a real world setting better than anything at the time.

In this video, Adam Koralik and Imran Yusef Visit Dobuita Street in Yokosuka – the iconic home of many events in the original game. A little Ryo cosplay leads to drinking soda – and who does not like the refreshing Blur Cola? Shenmue I and II will be re-released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on August 21st for $ 29.99. These classics will have a second chance in life and the purchase on PC or PS4 will allow you to play all the trilogy on these platforms. Unfortunately, Shenmue III does not have an Xbox One version planned

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