Six high schools benefit from a six-month leadership development program


By Linda Machinga

The Capricorn Group sponsored six leadership workshops for 120 Apprentice Representative Committees (LRCs) from various schools.

Students were selected from: Hage Geingob High School, A.Shipena Secondary School, Immanuel Shifid High School, Dawid Bezuidenhout High School, Ella Du Plessis High School and Hochland High School

The initiative was launched February was implemented in the aforementioned schools over a period of six months, by Capacity Trust,

The Leadership Workshop aimed to create a platform for the Committee of Learners' Representatives in different schools to better understand and know each other, manage conflict, improve communication, manage change and strengthen leadership skills. The committee representing Hochland High School learners, Tahila Mongoya, at the end of the program, said, "I've come to know myself better, but most importantly, I've come to know my crew; Meanwhile, Capricorn stated that by using the Jung type indicator (robust personality psychometric questionnaire), the personality type of each participant was assessed with a structured feedback provided around their personality type. individual and as a team.

Activities were conducted to build on identified strengths and to work on weaknesses. The results helped strengthen self-awareness, self-management and interpersonal management.

"At Capricorn Group, we have long realized the importance of detecting and reacting to our environment. Our goal of being Connectors of Positive Change mobilizes to make such initiatives possible, "said the Capricorn Group, Managing Director, Thinus Prinsloo

although many learners from private schools have access to psychometric tests and workshops. As a result, public schools do not enjoy such opportunities because of the high costs, says Prinsloo.

"Therefore, the Capricorn Group's partnership with Capacity Trust to invest in the lives of these Namibian learners, and thereby positively influence their futures," concluded Prinsloo.

Caption: Committee representing Hochland High School learners, Tahila Mongoya, who participated in the program.

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