Smoking smokers save at least £ 346 a year, study finds


Smokers who opt for vaping save on average £ 346.32 a year after quitting, this habit has emerged.

Researchers who conducted a detailed study found that the financial impact of buying packs of pedis was one of the main factors for those who were now selling drugs.

    Vapers saves £ 346 a year by putting sticks in their feet

Getty – Contributor

Vapers saves £ 346 a year by putting sticks in their feet

In addition to saving money, feeling better and no longer having the smoker's cough were also hailed as the reasons people changed.

The figure of £ 346 per person means that the 3.2 million people who vaporize collectively earn £ 1.1 billion, according to the report.

The survey of 1,790 Britons who are passing or who have switched from smoking to smoking revealed that more than half of them had changed to save money.

Among the other benefits of quitting smoking are three out of 10 people who have better teeth and better breathing.

43% reported feeling less stressed and more than two-thirds said they would never go back to smoking.

According to Public Health England, 40% of smokers have never tried to run out of steam

TV doctor christian jessen

This study was commissioned by the UK VIA Association (UK VIA) and marks the beginning of VApril, the brand's vaping brand awareness campaign.

The TV doctor, Christian Jessen, who supports the campaign, said: "There are now more than three million vapers in the UK who made this decision that changed their lives from quitting.

"Yet according to Public Health England, 40% of smokers have never tried to run out of steam.

"VApril aims to change that by encouraging more smokers to consider switching to a much less harmful alternative."

Research has also revealed that since saving, three in ten have saved for a vacation and placed money in a savings account.


E-cigarettes have been a great help in quitting smoking, as 68% admitted before this option that they would never have quit smoking.

A whopping eight in ten would recommend vaping for those trying to quit.

In the same way, one in five respondents said changing their store had given them a greater taste.

In addition to health problems, more than half admitted that the worst aspect of smoking was its effect on their fitness, bad smell and financial repercussions.

In addition, 23% said they were more confident in social circles since the change and one in five said they feel more accepted by their friends and acquaintances.

This compares to an astonishing eight in ten who felt judged by people when they smoked.


Before the vaping, other known and proven methods were in the form of nicotine patches, drugs, and 44% of them had even made a cold turkey.

Among the main reasons for the conversion to vaping was the elimination of the smoking habit: 43% of respondents admitted they knew it was not good for their health and three out of 10 had heard that vaping was the most effective cessation tool.

Of those who managed to change, 41% convinced other smokers to do the same.

On average, respondents used to consume 5,216 cigarettes a year.

The study, conducted via OnePoll, revealed that seven out of ten people were converted to vaping because of the VApril campaign.

John Dunne, director of UKVIA, said: "The research points out that the switch to vaping has many life-changing benefits, more than our health, whether it's for the sake of health. money or to spend time with family.

"It also highlights the financial impact of smoking cessation on an individual.

"It's impacting a person's physical appearance because it helps them feel less aware of their smell, their teeth and their skin.

"Our VApril campaign wants to focus on what's best for smoking and helping smokers quit for good."

    According to Public Health England, 40% of smokers have not tried vaping yet

Getty – Contributor

According to Public Health England, 40% of smokers have not tried vaping yet

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