Three days ago, Sony put the Xperia XZ2 Premium in pre-order on Amazon, and now the company has released two new promotional videos for the device. As usual, these two videos were broadcast via YouTube, and they are called "the ultimate creative machine" and "camera at the extreme." These two videos are included below, for your convenience, and they are both camera related.
In the first video, the company uses the legend "reveal the invisible" to promote the cameras of the Xperia XZ2 Premium. . The Xperia XZ2 Premium comes with two rear-facing Motion Eye cameras, 19-megapixel and 12-megapixel cameras with f / 1.8 and f / 1.6 aperture lenses, respectively. The 19 megapixel camera of the phone has pixels of a size of 1.22 μm, while the second has 1.55 pixel. The 19-megapixel camera of the phone actually packs into an RGB sensor stacked in ordinary memory, while the other has a monochrome sensor. In the video, Sony also mentions the phone's image fusion signal processor (AUBE), which should improve the quality of the image on the phone. Sony also mentions that you can mount the ISO on the Xperia XZ2 Premium up to 51200, while the company also mentions some camera effects in this video.
The second video is a bit shorter, but it also focuses mainly on the phone. the cameras (although other features are also mentioned here), while the company again uses the legend "reveal the invisible" and again mentions the iSO. The company also offers a 4K HDR recording in this video, the Xperia XZ2 Premium being the first smartphone in the world capable of doing so. The 4K HDR display of the phone is also mentioned in the video, as are the phone's audio prowess. The Xperia XZ2 Premium also offers wireless charging, and that's about all that Sony has put forward in this video. The Xperia XZ2 Premium was introduced in April, and it's a more powerful version of the Xperia XZ2 that was announced earlier this year.
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