Artist and designer Shin Murayama, originally from Tokyo, is best known for his hand-made masks, especially one made for Michael Kopelman and sporting the Stüssy logo. After collaborations with various fashion brands, Murayama and its Twoness brand, based in New York, were invited by Stüssy to launch a special capsule collection.
The collab combines Murayama's vintage clothing with Stüssy's archive and some of the brand's most famous graphics, united in a number of unique pieces. Highlighted by many handmade jackets, you can get an idea of the Stüssy and Twoness International Sewing Tribe assortment via the galleries above and below. The collection is scheduled to arrive at Dover Street Market in Los Angeles and New York and at stussy.com on November 30th.
For more style, do not miss the 2018 "GQ for Gap for Gap for Designs on the Planet" capsule, featuring motifs from Balmain, Dsquared2, MSGM, No Inn, Post Office, Opening Ceremony, STAMPD and Surf is Dead.
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