Rahul Bose has just shared some anecdotes about the future of Netflix Baahubali web-series, reported the IANS news agency. The 51-year-old actor plays a character called Skandadasa in the Web series and said that he would start filming for the project next month. Rahul Bose, who had recently been bearded from the inauguration of an art exhibition in Mumbai, was asked the reason for his new look. In response, the Jhankaar Beats the actor said that his character Baahubali: before the beginning has a beard, which explains his new look. "I'm making a prequel to Baahubali for Netflix. He calls himself as Baahubali: before the beginning. I have an important role to play. We will start shooting in December starting. My character looks bearded and I do not want to wear a false beard for the next six months. I'll have the same look, "said IANS, quoted by the agency.
Netflix Baahubali: before the beginning, which is a prequel to Baahubali films, would be distributed in two seasons. It is said that the scenario of the Web series takes place 50 years before the events of Baahubali: the beginning and some 75 years before Baahubali: the conclusion.
In the Netflix series, Rahul Bose shares the spotlight with Mrunal Thakur, who was chosen to play as the youngest Shivagami. in the Baahubali movie series, the South actress Ramya Krishnan played the role. In addition to Rahul Bose and Mrunal Thakur, those of Netflix Baahubali Siddharth Arora, Atul Kulkarni, Anup Soni and Vaquar Shaikh also occupy key roles.
The series is co-directed by Praveen Sataru and Deva Katta, who explained how the series is different from the movies in a previous interview: "The film was a unique emotion and a singular conflict … now we are exploring much deeper the characters and with a more epic way of telling stories in the Mahishmati world, "said IANS, quoted by IANS.
Baahubali: before the beginning should be out on Netflix sometime next year.
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