The Culling 2 will be removed from stores after a bad launch


If you did not know that The Culling 2 was released last week, it's probably for the best since the developer Xaviant Games announced today that it would shoot the PC game , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The reason? The Culling 2 did not work very well at launch, with negative player reviews and a total number of players in single digits. The latter is particularly bad if you are an online multiplayer game like The Culling 2.

Xaviant has announced that it will return to the first The Culling, pulling out the stores and restarting the development on The Culling 1. Xaviant is Josh Van Veld, director of operations of Xaviant, made the announcement today in a video post where he said: "Last week we launched The Culling 2, and this launch was not a good idea. was not successful. "Van Veld added:" One thing that has come out very clearly for us is The Culling 2 is not a game you've asked for, and it's not the game you wait as a worthy successor to The Culling. "

The Access Culling in 2016 and was an early Royal Battle game featuring 16 players fighting in a game show as a setting. After the popularity of Battle Royale games like PUBG and Fortnite, the development of the first Culling ceased in December 2017.

In June 2018 Xaviant announced The Culling 2 which increased the size of the pool of players from 16 to 50. The players were not satisfied with the sudden announcement of Culling's sequel and noted a visual aesthetic closer to PUBG, than Van Veld addressed to PC Gamer citing the evolution of the royal battle genre.

When The Culling 2 launched last week however, the reception of the players was not great back to the drawing board strategy Xaviant takes with the series. With the return to The Culling Day One and the removal of The Culling 2, the development on The Culling 1 will ensure that the version of the game that will be released when The Culling leaves Early Access will look like the Day One version. [19659002] The Culling will also go free-to-play, but not before The Culling updates bring it closer to the Van Veld Day One version in an email sent to Kotaku.

It's hard to say what will happen to The Culling after the change. The Culling was a popular battle royale game in 2016, but the genre market was overshadowed by the success of Fortnite and PUBG. And as games like Call of Duty and Battlefield get ready to enter the genre, it remains to be seen how big the market is for the Royal Battle Games in 2018.

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