The Facebook test allows users to block words and phrases from their wall, almost …


If you've ever had someone who sent spam on your Facebook wall with a fake RayBan ad or similar, or if you're fed up with political arguments, a new Facebook test can provide a solution …


The company is currently testing the possibility of banning unwanted words, phrases and even emoji from your wall.

The test was spotted by Jane Manchun Yong, a computer science student who turned the application code into reverse engineering into an art form. His previous finds include:

She notes that her latest discovery is not as complete as some would like. It's closer to a dumb function than a real block.

People posting these comments and their friends will still be able to see them.

Blocked sentences would therefore remain visible to common friends and the timeline owner would not even know it, which seems less than ideal. However, this is only a test, so it is possible that Facebook strengthens the functionality if and when it will be deployed.

TNW note that Instagram – owned by Facebook – already offers a more comprehensive filtering feature.

Facebook last night opened surveillance games to all, in order to make viewing more social videos.

Image: Shutterstock

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