The Hardap region records more than 5,300 criminal records


The Hardap region records more than 5,300 criminal records

by Rodney Pienaar

Hardap's police recorded a total of 5,332 criminal cases in the United States. During the fiscal year 2016/17 This year, 5,634 cases were recorded during the 2017/18 fiscal year.

This shows a reduction in crime with 5.4% compared to the previous fiscal year.

The most common crimes in the region are assaults to cause grievous bodily harm, domestic violence, rape, housebreaking, cattle theft and drug-related incidents.

Drugs worth a total of N $ 254,663 were confiscated, including cannabis; cannabis skunk; full, half and quarterly mandrax tablets and crack cocaine during the 2017/18 fiscal year.

In February of this year, a total of 10 complete cannabis packs worth NZ $ 23,050 were confiscated from a 26-year-old Namibian during a successful police operation.

In the same month, a drug bust of 11 cannabis parcels and 78 full mandraxes with a total market value of N $ 35,160 was also confiscated from a 34-year-old Namibian man.

A total of 107 Dorper sheep were recovered from three suspects in the Kalkrand area also in February of this year.

According to the poverty of Nampol; unemployment; Alcohol and drug abuse and greed are factors that contribute to crime in the region.



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