The insurance market in Azerbaijan is growing


November 28, 2018 4:35 pm (UTC + 04: 00)


By trend

In January-October 2018, Azerbaijani insurance companies received premiums for 617.2 million manats, 33.4% more than the same period in 2017, according to the report of the Financial Market Supervisory Authority. Azerbaijan (FIMSA) of 28 November

During the reporting period, insurance companies paid 205.9 million manats, 0.6% more than between January and October 2017.

According to the report, 73% (450.8 million manats) of all fees on the market represented voluntary insurance and 27% (166.4 million manats) an obligation. Regarding the total volume of payments, the share of voluntary insurance accounted for 72.7% (166.4 million manats) and compulsory insurance – 27.3% (56.2 million AZN).

Twenty-one insurance companies operate in Azerbaijan.

($ 1 = AZN 1.7 on November 28)

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